Thursday, 23 March 2017

How could a libertarian communist society meet people’s needs and desires?

Libertarian Socialist Discussion Meeting 7.00pm, Wednesday 29th March

at the Regent Sports & Social Club
102 Regent Road, Leicester LE1 7DA

What are the objections to a communist/anarchist/socialist society and how can they be responded to? 

While not wanting to be all misty-eyed and utopian about things, especially given the current low level of class consciousness, it’s still worth looking at what we would ultimately like to see in place of the barbaric system we live under now.

So given that such a society has never existed, what might communism look like?  Could it possibly work? If so, how would it work?  What kind of problems might a stateless, society based on the principle of “from each according to their ability to each according to their needs” face? 

Organised by Leicester group of the Anarchist Federation

Saturday, 18 March 2017

New Leicestershire Resistance bulletin out NOW!

Leicester AF has recently produced the Spring 2017 issue of Leicestershire Resistance with articles on: 
  • Neo-liberalism, Corbyn and left-wing capitalist illusions of grandeur
  • Leicester libertarian socialist discussion
  • Leics IWW is back!
  • Leicester Social Forum news
Copies of Leicestershire Resistance are free and can be picked up from Tin Drum Books, 68 Narborough Road LE3 0BR

Copies of our magazine Organise! are also available at Tin Drum.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Update - forthcoming libertarian socialist discussion meetings

Organised by Leicester group of 
the Anarchist Federation
Meetings take place
each month 
at the
Regent Sports & Social Club 
102 Regent Road
Leicester LE1 7DA

7.00pm on Wednesday 29th March
How could a libertarian communist society meet people’s needs and desires?
What are the objections to a communist/anarchist/socialist society and how can they be responded to? 

7.00pm on Tuesday 25th April 
What is council communism? Is it still relevant today?
And no, we're not talking about the red flag flying from the roof of your local town hall but about the left-communist current that Lenin referred to as an "infantile disorder" and which influenced organisations such as...
                                            ...the Anarchist Federation!

7.00pm on Wednesday 24th May years on from the Barcelona May Days and the counter revolution during the Spanish Civil War.
When the Stalinists turned their guns on the revolutionary workers.