Friday, 26 October 2018

MEETING10/11/18 How did WW1 really end?


2pm Saturday 10th November 2018
Venue: Upstairs at the Regent Club
102 Regent Rd, Leicester LE1 7DAAsk at the bar downstairs for the “Libsoc” meeting

With this year marking the 100th anniversary of the ending of the First World War, Leicester ACG will be holding a public meeting to look at what really brought the Great War to an end. In schools, the ruling class history curriculum teaches schoolchildren the reasons World War 1 started – forgetting the part about imperialist thieves falling out and fighting over markets for various national capitalist interests. School history lessons generally shy away from remembering what actually ended the war. This meeting explains why.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Leicester ACG Radical Reading Group – Council Communism 4/10/18

The next meeting for Leicester ACG’s Radical Reading Group takes place on Thursday 4th October, upstairs at the Regent Club, 102 Regent Rd, Leicester LE1 7DA

This month, we'll be looking at

Council Communism by Mark Shipway

Council communism was an influential and historic anti-state communist tendency which developed mostly in the Netherlands and Germany, where for a time it became a significant force within the working class movement. Notable council communist theorists and supporters included Anton Pannekoek, Herman Gorter, Otto Rühle, Sylvia Pankhurst, Paul Mattick and Reichstag fire starter, Marinus van der Lubbe. Lenin dismissed it as an “infantile disorder” but council communist ideas have since influenced a range of more libertarian left-marxists as well as non-marxist groups such as the Anarchist Communist Group.  Essentially, council communism is:
a theory of working-class struggle and revolution which holds that the means that workers will use to fight capitalism, overthrow it, and establish and administer communist society, will be the workers' councils.

The Mark Shipway text is available HERE

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

30th August: Leicester Radical Book Group

Leicester ACG is holding its first radical book group on Thursday 30th August, 7:30-8:30/9.00 at The Snug, Exchange Bar, 50 Rutland Street, Leicester LE1 1RD.

We will be discussing “The Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists” (The Platform) by the Dielo Truda Russian exile group and the subsequent debate between Makhno and Malatesta (links to content below). It’s a genuinely interesting and important debate about how to organise effectively to change society.

Everyone who is interested in radical politics is welcome. You don’t need to confirm in advance if you are attending but if you have any questions please get in touch via

To read the Platform online, click HERE

And the following debate between Malatesta and Makhno is viewable HERE

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Libertarian Socialist Discussion on the NHS 24/7/18

Tuesday the 24th July, 7:30pm 
at the Regent Club
102 Regent Road
Leicester LE1 7DO.

This month's meeting is on the NHS.

The local ACG are meeting to discuss the NHS, why we should defend it and why we must move beyond it. This is an open meeting for everyone who is interested in discussing the limitations of a nationalised health service and how political resistance can move beyond simply defending a  flawed system.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Housing crisis: an anarchist communist response

Leicester Libertarian Socialist Discussion
7.30pm, Wednesday 16th May 

at the Regent Club, 102 Regent Road, Leicester LE1 7DA

Meeting organised by Leicester ACG

Friday, 27 April 2018

May Day in Leicester

Leicester ACG will be on this year's May Day march and rally. We'll be handing out copies of a special May Day edition of Jackdaw.

Gather 11.30am in Jubilee Square. March from there to the top of Gallowtree Gate (near Leicester Tourist Office) for a rally.