Reforms, Reformism and the Welfare State
The subject is reforms and reformism in the context of the recent years of UK austerity and public sector cutbacks and the rolling back of the 'welfare state' - with particular reference to how we relate to left and union lead campaigns in response to this (for instance with the NHS). Saturday 17th March at 2pm at the Woodman Pub back room, New Canal Street, Birmingham B5 54G (next to the parkway at the Curzon Stret end) and 15 mins walk from New Street or Moor Street railway stations. All Welcome. Following documents may be useful: HERE and HERE.
What is Anarchist Communism?
Following on from the foundation of the Anarchist Communist Group, our next monthly libertarian socialist discussion meeting in Leicester is a back to basics, ‘what’s it all about this anarchist
communism lark’ discussion.
7.30pm, Wednesday 21st March at the Regent Sports & Social Club, 102 Regent Road, Leicester LE1 7DA