Saturday, 17 December 2011

New Resistance bulletin out now

The latest AF Resistance bulletin is a double issue covering December and January.

If you want to pick up a copy, info on where it's available in Leicester can be found HERE.  Alternatively, drop us a line at and we'll pop one in the post for you.

Contents of Resistance issue #137 December 2011 / January 2012
• Anarchists Join with Sparks and Students in London on 9 November
• Erosion of Workers’ Rights
• Direct Action Gets the Goods
• Atos Festive Month of Actions
• Power to the People: Electricity Workers Say no to Austerity
• Sparks take their message to the boss’s front door
• Getting Ready to Strike
• Quantitative Easing - Creating Money for Rich People
• Greece. Down with the Stalinists and Bureaucrats!
• New Riot Statistics Revealed
• A Council Worker’s Perspective on Disability Cuts
• Rebels with a Cause
• Bank of Ideas Opens
• Prisoner Support
• False Wage Claim

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Leicestershire Solidarity Group is born

The post-N30 rank and file meeting on December 1st (see earlier post) included members of various public sector unions, unemployed workers, disability activists and participants in the Occupy Leicester camp.  Together, they decided to launch an initiative that would function not only as a rank and file workers' organisation but would also have a broader community action remit.  And so, with this in mind, Leicestershire Solidarity Group was founded.

Leicester AF wishes LSG well.  For more info on Leicestershire Solidarity Group, you can visit their website HERE

November 30th report

Well done to the thousands of public sector workers in Leicestershire who struck on the 30th November and participated in the biggest demonstration seen in Leicester for many years.  The march and rally showed a broad cross-section of working class people and there was plenty of support and applause from members of the public not involved in the strike.  All in all, it was a brilliant day, with AFers either picketing their own workplaces or, if they weren't public sector workers, supporting picket lines of fellow workers.  Later, the anarchist red and black flag was carried on the march and we distributed around 1,000 AF flyers and also helped shift another 1,000 flyers plugging the December 1st rank and file workers meeting - more on this later.

One sour moment was when some knuckle-dragging idiot, who's probably swallowed too many Daily Mail or Sun editorials, thought he could 'heroically' spit at a woman marcher.  Fortunately, a have-a-go striking worker had 'a quiet word' with him.  We do hope the scab's bruises heal really slowly.

That aside, it was a great show of strength, but as we've already said, we'll need to do much more than one day strikes to be sure of anything like a victory.