Coordination Meeting
To build and strengthen
Leicester workers' rank and file initiatives
Open to public sector, private sector and unemployed workers
Thursday 1st December
Leicester Secular Hall
75 Humberstone Gate
Leicester LE1 1WB
Aims of the meeting:
This event is independent of any political party or group. The emphasis is on bringing together working people who want to organise to win.
To build and strengthen
Leicester workers' rank and file initiatives
Open to public sector, private sector and unemployed workers
Thursday 1st December
Leicester Secular Hall
75 Humberstone Gate
Leicester LE1 1WB
Aims of the meeting:
- to widen the curent public sector dispute into a general dispute over the repeated attacks on the working class
- to intensify the dispute and promote tactics and strategies that will improve our chances of victory
- to ensure the unions don't backtrack
- to build strong grassroots workers' organisation in Leicestershire
This event is independent of any political party or group. The emphasis is on bringing together working people who want to organise to win.